Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Are YOU ready to receive?

"There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it" -Napoleon Hill

How do you know the difference? How do you know you are ready or not?

The first step is visualizing you already have it...

"No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it." -Napoleon Hill

It can't just be a hope or a wish for it to come into your life but a belief that it is coming...

Write down what "it" would" look and feel" like to have in your life...use as many senses as possible to create it in your mind. Visualize yourself already there and feel your emotions you would have...live it now!

A great way to do this is to go through old magazines and rip out ideas, words and pictures that you enjoy....see what shows up or have a theme....(partner, home, lifestyle, etc.) and put it on a vision board.

Don't forget to share what you come up with ....

I'll be working on mine today...and will post when I am finished.

Have a beautiful day...visualizing...creating and manifesting!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Exercise #4

A really fun idea is to buy a small address book and fill it with new people you meet! See how fast you can fill it up and how rich in friendship your life becomes!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Using Index Cards

Excercise #3

Try using large index cards instead of a memo pad to write down those "Aha" moments.. Using one thought for each card. See if you are able to organize thoughts better...

I'm going to be using them this week....

I'll Let you know how it goes.

Happy writing.

*ideas that I wrote on my index cards today...

have a juice, smoothie and healthy snack bar with a  hot yoga studio

stop at grocery store for ingredients for juicing

open up my meditation/sun room...winter seems to be over

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Making money from home....: Weekend time: Goals and Planning Time

Check out my friend Wendy's blog...she is reading "Write it Down, Make it Happen" She also has some great ideas on how to make money from home.

Making money from home....: Weekend time: Goals and Planning Time: Since it's the weekend, take some time to develop and work on your goals and create a plan of action.  If you are going through the book Wri...

Suggestion Box for Your Brain

Remember to order your copy of the book to help with these exercises.

Here is another exercise that is very useful while you are doing your morning writing for the next 2 weeks.


Create a Suggestion Box for Your Brain.

It is very interesting once you start writing your goals down the brain starts working over time to help you find ways to get there. New ideas and plans will pop into your head at the oddest times...while you are walking through your day. You will be flooded with new ideas and if you don't write them down...you will forget if you don't come up with a system to collect them all.

*Get a small, pocket-size memo book to write in. Carry it in your purse or a back pocket....when something comes into your brain...WRITE IT DOWN. Just the fact that you are carrying it with you gives your brain permission to give you new suggestions. Have FUN with this!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Write it Down, Make it Happen!

WE have the WISDOM within us already!!!

 Using tools like this book mentioned below can help you uncover all the answers you are looking for...

Excerpts from "Write it Down, Make it Happen" by Henriette Anne Kauser

How do you know what you want? How do you know what your goals are? How can you focus down a slew of ideas to know which ones are important?

If you are not even sure what you want, let alone how to get there from here, let your writing help point you to the path you were meant to follow.

Exercise #1

Early morning writing is a perfect vehicle for crystallizing your desires. Set the clock for a time 15 minutes before you would normally wake. Then...."WRITE ANYTHING" for 15 minutes!!!!

Do this for 2 weeks without looking at what you write down. After 2 weeks read it over and notice the pattern.

I will be starting my journal tomorrow. Would love to hear from others who would like to join me on this adventure!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The beginning...

“Seek the people who are going where you want to go, who are what you are striving to become. Remember, personal refinement is a process of a lifetime, not a moment need be squandered on the useless.”